Reiki means universal (Rei) life energy (Ki) and a natural way of healing where life energy is passed on, which was rediscovered in Japan by Japanese doctor Mikao Usui.
Reiki is a natural way of healing whereby life energy is passed on, usually during a table treatment where a laying on of hands is used
Reiki ensures that energy can flow through your body, energetic blockages are resolved and the body activates its healing capacity.
– Reduction of pain
– Faster recovery from broken bones
– Reducing stress
– Getting rid of waste products
– Breaking energy blockages
– Faster recovery from inflammation
– Opening the heart, feeling more love for yourself and others
– Becoming more aware of what your body feels and needs
– Healing emotional pain / depression
– Give yourself more balance and bring relaxation
– …
During a Reiki treatment I first discuss with you what your complaints are so I can ensure that the energy can flow through to the right places.
I do this by laying on hands or by light Reiki massage.
I have followed several Reiki courses in Europe and Asia.