
Diese Sitzung ist eine luxuriöse und umfassende Kakaozeremonie. Sie können es allein, mit Ihrem Partner oder mit Freunden machen.

Maximal 3 Personen.

Während dieser einzigartigen und luxuriösen Sitzung nutze ich die wohltuende Wirkung des Kakaos für eine Heilmeditation, Atemarbeit, Gesang, Musik und andere zeremonielle Elemente.

Cerenomy verbindet die Manifestation guter Absichten mit einer engeren Verbindung zu unserer eigenen Seele. Selbstliebe und Harmonie bringen lang anhaltende geistige Vorteile.

Kakaozeremonien gibt es seit Tausenden von Jahren, die bis zu den Traditionen der Maya und Azteken in Mittel- und Südamerika zurückreichen, und sie wurden zu spirituellen, medizinischen und zeremoniellen Zwecken für inneres Erwachen und kreative Führung verwendet.

Kakao wird seit Jahrhunderten als Nahrungsmittel und Medizin verwendet und ist stark mit dem Gefühl der Liebe verbunden. Kakao öffnet das Herz und bringt uns in eine tiefere Verbindung mit uns selbst. Sie lässt Sie bedingungslose Liebe für sich selbst und andere empfinden und bringt ein Gefühl der Freude und des Friedens.

March 2024 – Online Session Month – 15 minutes free (€22.5 free)

March 2024 - Online session month! To get Spring 2024 off to a great start, I am offering 15 minutes of extra time during all online sessions in March. March, the month of spring and major cleansing, is also the ideal time to clean up on a spiritual level! You don't...

Spiritual sessions in Flüelen, Switzerland

I am super happy that I have now found a permanent place in Switzerland.Flüelen, Switzerland. I have settled in the village of Flüelen, right at Lake Lucerne. It is a super beautiful village and the peace and beauty will strengthen my spiritual powers. Moreover, I...

Full Moon Day – Tuesday 7/2/2023

Soon it will be a full moon. Therefore, I am organizing a full moon day on Tuesday, 7/2/2023. You can choose between tarot reading, aura reading, reiki, spiritual healing, spiritual hot stone massage or a full moon cocoa ceremony. You can choose between: Signature...

Full Moon Day – 7/1/2023

UPDATE: Hi, I have been suffering from a flu and don't want to make you sick. Therefore, the full moon promotion will happen on January 13 and 14. You can change your booking online or app me for a new time. Sorry for the inconvenience. On Saturday 7/1/2023 it is full...

Merry Christmas and a happy 2023

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy 2023. I am happy that I was able to help so many people in 2022. To thank all my clients, I am preparing a gift. A spiritual oil to offer relaxation and spiritual peace. Come pick it up between December 27 and January 7...

Full Moon Day – 8/12/2022

On Thursday 8/12/2022 it is full moon. This full moon yields strong spiritual powers. So, because it is a special day, everybody who books a session on that day gets a present. And the present is a bundle of sage! Read about the benefits of sage and how to use it. You...

Full Moon Day – 8/11/2022

On Tuesday 8/11/2022 it is full moon. This full moon yields strong spiritual powers. So, because it is a special day, everybody who books a session on that day gets a present. And the present is a bundle of sage! Read about the benefits of sage and how to use it. You...

Aloe Vera, the beneficial plant!

Aloe Vera is a plant we all know for that countless products containing Aloe Vera are in the stores labeled as beneficial and healthy. But did you know that in addition to its healthy effects Aloe Vera also has a spiritual effect …

Sage is very healthy for both body and mind!

Sage comes from the Latin word “salvere,” which literally means “to save” or “to cure. Sage helps with many ailments (including typical women’s ailments). It is also an herb that is super tasty in food. In addition, sage contains a lot of spiritual power.

Full Moon Day – 10/9/2022

On Saturday 10/9/2022 it is full moon. This full moon yields strong spiritual powers. 
So, because it is a special day, everybody who books a session on that day gets a present.
I really hope to see you on 10/9/2022.